Thursday, May 15, 2003

looking for an entirely new (and hip) way to tour a city? check out soundwalk. for those just checking in for a cool link of the day...clandestina. i'm not entirely sure what it is but i do know it's beautiful.

the lastest music industry nightmare shareitunes. check it out.

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

i'm going for a record number of posts in one day. it's because i'm so jazzed about this blogger thing. i have to share these great sites or explode. exploding is messy so let's play like mr. rogers and share. on campus we have this really nice online journal called agora. take a look. another online mix of words and images that i find absolutely amazing is born magazine. really incredible work.
geez. rereading my first two posts i sound like andy rooney or something. this link goes out to my pal christy. enjoy a little retro?
why all of the superficial shopping links, you ask? well, for one, i live in a house like this. not so easy to find the right stuff for it in our local stores. i like a little shopping now and again. hey, it's not heroin.
why, oh why, would a web designer need to blog? lazy? maybe. busy? most definitely. too chatty for the maintenance that a traditional site requires. comment.

so...this is the first day of the rest of my blog. i need a place to get info out and this seems ideal. i really want to post my links to exceptionally cool schtuff and really creative people doing really great work. oh, and of course...links to my quirky friends. that's where the "oasis" title comes from. we're not exactly a hip town so you have to know where to go in the ether to find what you need so as not to come in to work one day in an appliqued sweatshirt and keds. okay, i'll grant you that keds are a classic but fer cryin' out loud must we even *wear* our crafts. urgh. i digress. and...i shall continue to digress. stay tuned.