Wednesday, June 11, 2003

dog damn this is funny...Cows With Guns - Dana Lyons. my sides hurt. this day is lookin' up folks!

oops! listen here. i just didn't want you to miss the splash page.

thanks for the dubbers who sent his my way. don't know what a dubber is? sorry. you just wouldn't get it.
ha! the new quark is out. someone please tell me what they're thinking with this $899 piece of software. they've got some gigantic cajones. i mean, really. i say we all move to indesign and fast. wait...we already have. sorry quark, you asshats.
i'm lucky dogs. i got two new cds yesterday, The Be Good Tanyas is my favorite. the littlest birds makes me smile. give 'em a listen. love those canucks.

oh...and michelle shocked has a new album. it's a little on the religious side. that's certainly something i didn't know about her. you can "hear the lyrics" on her site. read the history/bio part. veddy interesting. oh, and the "her neck of the woods" is a great look at the music of east texas.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

isn't it funny how a perfectly lovely day can go to shit in a moment. i started the morning with happy thoughts of the beach...even though it was 3:45. now it's 10:30 and i'm veering more toward the beach story i read once where the woman walks down the beach and doesn't stop walking. so much for the patience of the sea, eh.

feeling like a old pit-stained tee shirt. i'll be back when i'm out of the laundry.
this is the house i would build if i weren't living in one that i love already. seriously, seriously cool. all hail christy for providing this link.

i wish we saw more of this. really unique solutions to the low cost housing problem. i know that dwell is championing that cause. if you're interested in hip design merged with real life you'll want to buy dwell. it's cheaper than drugs and, if you're a design junkie...ultimately more satisfying.
insomnia again. i can't quite figure out what causes it. i thought it was wine but, no. so i've been up since 3:45 or so just puttering around and playing on the imac at home. i made a really nice ibook for my sister-in-law. lovely thing with beautiful beach photos that made me wish that july was tomorrow. gaw. i love it.

i read gift from the sea every year before we set off for the island. here's a quotation for you—
The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. To dig for treasures shows not only impatience and greed, but lack of faith. Patience, patience, patience, is what the sea teaches. Patience and faith. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach--waiting for a gift from the sea.